Entries by admin

Your CMMS just got a new best friend…

A CMMS is software that helps facility and maintenance teams keep a record of all assets they are responsible for, schedule and track maintenance tasks, and provide a paper trail of work they perform. This works great as a work order management system, but these systems only tell us what to do and when it […]

How Much Work Did Your Facility REALLY Do In 2016?

As the year comes to an end you want to relax over the holidays, but, as a facilities manager, there’s a good chance you’ll spend some of your time off creating a mental to-do list of all the work orders that are going to carry over into 2017. It would be nice to start the […]

6 Blogs Every Facility Manager Should Read

Blogs are a great resource for dynamic and up to date content that can help you deal with some of the challenges you face as a Facility Manager. The list below are some of our favorite facility management blogs, all containing great content and each is updated on a regular schedule. Wait, there are only 5 blogs in […]

The Facility Managers Guide to Budget Management

Saving money is always a goal for facility managers, and sometimes, it’s more than just a goal, it’s a necessity. So how do you manage a tight budget? Unplanned Service Calls Avoiding unplanned service calls saves big dollars, because these calls are, well, unplanned. This means that there isn’t money (specifically) set in the budget […]

3 Things Facility Managers Should Look for in New Construction Projects

Not all facility managers have a background in construction, but odds are that you’ve have dealt with (or will deal with) a big construction project at your facility at some point. Knowing what to look for in the Project Manual can help ensure a successful project and prevent the project from going over budget. Inspections […]

The Future of Construction: Mobile

Mobile technology isn’t a new concept for construction, but over the past 10 years, construction sites have changed dramatically, putting a stronger emphasis than ever before on mobile technology. There are multiple factors that are driving mobile at construction sites: larger mobile workforces, demand from leadership, and the need to have information instantly available to […]

Construction Benefits Big With The Cloud

We talk a lot about the cloud , but to refresh your memory the cloud is a network of servers, and each server has a different function. Some servers use computing power to run applications or “deliver a service”. A great example of a using the cloud is using FASTTAC; our customers do not have […]

Facility Managers Are In the Clouds

Well, they aren’t literally in the clouds, however, in terms of how they use the technology they are “in the cloud”. What’s the cloud? In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive of on a local server. The cloud is basically a […]

3 Challenges That Every Facility Manager Faces

Facility managers face significant hurdles every single day. From maintenance issues to working on long-term energy efficiency goals, there is a lot to worry about when your job title is Facility Manager. So what are some of the most common and most difficult challenges for a Facility Manager? We’ve broken the huge list down to 4 issues. […]

The Financial Challenge of Higher Education Facility Management

Campus facilities are an important part of any college and university experience, but in recent years higher education has been faced with shrinking budgets, smaller grants, and fighting to keep tuition increases at a minimum – meaning that facility managers are faced with the task of keeping up with their growing facility costs as the […]