In this fast paced and ever changing industry, it can be challenging to know where to begin and what to prioritize. Below is a collection of recommendations from industry experts and sources to help sift through the seemingly surmounting priorities.

  1. Know your systems and office climate

As the great philosopher Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom,” thus knowing one’s facility and those who make use of it can only make one wiser.

Through familiarizing oneself with the various systems new and old in a facility, the manager can have a clear knowledge of the maintenance and condition of these items and hence make strategic decisions about the future maintenance.

Interestingly, Douglas Commerce of REMI, a publication in the real estate management industry, also claims that knowing the work culture and environment can help to ensure that you make facility decisions in the best interests of those most closely related to the facility as well as ensure that those choices align with the mission and overall culture of the particular business.

Applying new technological developments to a system that is sound and understood will only further its potential.

  1. Communication and Documentation are your friend

As stated by John Finney of Facilities Maintenance Magazine, “ Repetition and reinforcement are necessary.” Making sure that messages are not only sent but received can be one of the most challenging components of the oversight of projects of any size.

With individuals being inundated with a multitude of forms of messaging on a daily basis, ensuring that one understands their audience as well as how to best communicate with that group is vital.

George Bernard Shaw once declared, “ The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Sending information is not enough in the realm of facilities management.

The appropriate organization and documentation is necessary to ensure that all information related to any facility or project has been received and noted along with a response to any questions or discrepancies.

Experts for Asset Works, claim that transitioning to digital modes of communication outside of an ever rising sea of emails can ultimately benefit all stakeholders in a project or facility.

This can include various checklists related to job completion. Ultimately, efficient modes for communication can only happen through optimal means for organization as well.

  1.   Be smart about cost

Any article related to the management of a facility will also address the cost related to the oversight of said facility.

Cost is no stranger to the minds of facility managers, but with developments in the industry and new standards for maintenance, getting creative and being innovative have become essential.

Understanding how to collect and interpret data related to cost has become even more vital.

As Varsha Saha of Industry Resources states, implementing sustainable solutions to maintenance needs can ultimately cut projected costs while aligning to industry trends in more sustainably focused development. Saha also suggests looking in places not readily obvious for wiggle room in facility decision making such as the purposeful and thoughtful use of lighting and other energy reduction measures including intentional assessments of and use of space.

Additionally, writers for 24/7 software suggest that the accurate and immediate tracking of inventory can better inform choices to avoid unnecessary spending.

  1. Understand your contracts

Again according to Douglas Commerce, knowing the parameters surrounding any contracts related to a facility is vital to the efficient running of any development plan or project as well as overall asset management.

Familiarizing yourself with the start- and end-dates to various contracts and assignments in relation to vendors and subcontractors will ensure that all matters have been attended.

This knowledge can also provide the opportunity for more strategic planning in future job-related endeavors as well as overall upkeep that can prevent future issues.

Moreover, this will also help to ensure that all projects are completed on time and on schedule.

  1. Stay on the cutting edge

As the  industries transitioning from paper-based systems to digitized platforms abounds, it is only necessary for facilities management to follow suit.

According to the writers for Redshift by Autodesk, one of the leading innovators in architectural, engineering and industry software, the construction industry has historically fallen behind in the digitization era leaving much potential for improvements in the way of more timely and safely completed job assignments.

With options galore for the gathering, sharing, and storing of information related to workflow, the need to hop on board with various AI and digital trends for the management of projects will open the door for efficiency and cost-cutting measures that will ensure projects meet various budget goals and completion deadlines — not to mention the many safety issues that can be avoided through the seamless sharing of up-to-date information.

Rather than sifting through the vast amount of data related to project completion, the need for the exploration and digitization of project documents has become necessary.

In addition to these abilities, smart technologies allow for faster response time to project requests which will ultimately allow for more to be completed. Without a doubt, the next decade will bring new advancements in relation to facilities management that involves the integration of AI that will vastly impact the industry.

A recent digital handbook by Service Channel reveals that the facilities management field will not be immune to the advancements in technology. The well-known innovator and inventor Leonardo DaVinci once said, “ Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

Staying on top of these developments and taking action to implement them will ensure that one can stay steps ahead of competitors in the field.


In a world all too conscious of the rapidly changing climate to what was once familiar in once comfortable and predictable industries, the definition and criteria for success are too changing.

With no field left untouched by the advancement and integration of technology, one must begin to anticipate how these tools can better inform the ways in which decisions are made — facilities managers must remain open to these changes.

About Us

eFacility helps facility managers get more done by creating a digital twin of facility documentation, and providing techs with the right information to complete work orders.


Software, 24/7. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Facility Managers.” 24/7 Software, 26

Mar. 2019,


Converse, Douglas. “Tips to Succeed in Facility Management.” REMINET, 1 Apr. 2012,

“Facilities Management Tips for Long Term Success.” AssetWorks, 19 Jan. 2018,

Jacobson, Eleanor, and Facebook. “21 Online Facility Management Resources You

Should Bookmark This Year.” 5 Feb. 2019,


Reeves, Chase. “50 Facilities Management Tips and Best Practices – Camcode.” Asset

Tag & UID Label Blog, 15 Jan. 2019,


Buiocchi, Tom. “2019 Facility Management Guide” Service Channel. 2019. PDF file.

Video, Redshift. “AI in Construction Can Improve Insights and Save Lives [Video].”

Redshift EN,  Redshift EN, 7 May 2019,



Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash