Are you looking for a better way, through either blueprint software or a blueprint app, to manage your blueprints? As an architect or engineer, you understand the importance of your blueprints to the success of your building project. Having access to architectural project management software can help you better manage your blueprints and gain greater control over your building projects.

Proper blueprint management helps improve efficiencies on-site and reduce costs. Access to blueprint software by your contractors means less time spent either communicating with you on the phone (or online) for important requirements and changes and keeps a project moving forward. Whether the blueprints you as an architect or engineer use are for a new building construction, tenant improvement project or other related activity, you should understand how vital blueprint management software is to you and the steps you should take to make it a part of your business solutions.

The Importance of Managing Your Blueprints

New construction, renovations, tenant improvements and other building activities require the creation and filing ofblueprints. Construction project documents are necessary to meet filing requirements for any federal, state or local building projects of all size and scope. The maintenance of your blueprints may also be required for legal claims or defenses that may arise. It is best to know how to best share your documents with those requiring access for easy access and utilization.

How Blueprint Management Software Can Help

An example of how important it is to manage your blueprints can be found in tenant improvement activities. Your contractors are delivered the blueprints related to the build-out, however, need access to the legacy plans in order todocument changes and make important notations for the facility manager, maintenance workers and emergency responders such as fire and police. Such changes can be seamlessly documented through the use of an effective IT solution that integrates the old with the new, providing your team with the important change information needed to function.

Making a Plan to Manage Your Blueprints

Blueprint software takes advantage of the technology available today in order to make your like easier. This includes provisions for storage, communication, collaboration and sharing. The advent of mobile-based apps takes the ability to create a central repository of your required blueprints and other construction related documents. This makes collaboration easy among the various stakeholders requiring access, all at the tip of their fingertips. Whether the solution for the management of your blueprints is cloud-based or maintained on your servers, providing access to these documents lessens the amount of time needed to hand courier them from location to location.

Taking the necessary steps to employ a blueprint software solution for you is as easy as making the decision to do so. You simply need to take the affirmative steps to investigate the solutions available to you and how they fit your business needs. Create a checklist of the requirements you need in blueprint software, including the requirements of your stakeholders who will access these critical documents. Take action to put in place the solution that allows you to better manage your blueprints.

Don’t let poor documentation management derail your project, change the way you access and store all your important paperwork, blueprints and markups with FASTTAC. Our construction documentation software makes access to critical construction documentation easier and faster than ever before. No matter if you’re on site, in the office or across the country, FASTTAC’s software keeps you on top of all your documentation changes and markups.