Joint Commission Preparation Made Easy
Joint Commission preparation adds extra cost and additional stress to your already overworked team. efacility helps you stay prepared for Joint Commission so you’re always prepared, and your team can focus on what they really care about – taking care of the patients in your care.
What is the Joint Commission?
The Joint Commission is an independent accrediting organization for hospitals nationwide. It currently accredits over 80% of US hospitals. The Joint Commission accreditation provides a well-recognized standard for hospitals to show a high quality of services.
What Types of Facilities Receive Accreditation Through The Joint Commission?
Health care organizations that fall under the requirements below can apply for accreditation. Additional detail can be found at the Joint Commission site.
Joint Commission Preparation Guidelines and Challenges
The process of being reviewed by the Joint Commission is called a survey. The on-site survey allows the Joint Commission to assess compliance according to Joint Commission standards. Surveys are conducted every three years, but the accreditation process is ongoing as organizations must self-assess and continuously improve. The full process is detailed on the site.
One of the key sections of the Joint Commission Preparation is preparing for Life Safety Code compliance. Life Safety Code is focused on the construction and operation conditions to minimize fire hazards and provide safe systems in case of emergency.
Most hospitals put their life safety drawings on a gurney and roll them around the hospital. This causes a few problems – of course, it’s not practical. It’s also not digital – so it lacks critical detail that helps in the accreditation process. For example, if the survey requires information on an inspection above the ceiling that was already completed your physical drawing on a gurney won’t provide that information. It also lacks critical information on fire safety. Finally, it doesn’t keep historical changes or inspect results.
Joint Commission Preparation Made Easy
Joint Commission Preparation for Life Safety Code compliance can be made easy if you have the right tools. You need to gain visibility and control of your facility so you have the information when you need it. The right information will save time and money in preparation for the survey.
You should be spending your time managing your operation, not preparing for the survey. Being prepared required you and your team to stay on top of maintenance and emergency planning. The information you need to do this is scattered in various places and formats, so you can’t immediately access it.
efacility gives you instant, digital access to all of your facility’s information. This helps with joint commission preparation, but it doesn’t stop there. This information can be used for day to day maintenance, operations, and emergency response.
Digital Access To All Of Your Facilities Information
You and your team need immediate access to all of your facility information – no matter what it is, what form it’s in, how often it has been changed, or by whom-organized by location.
You need to be able to capture the information and organization it in a way that makes sense. And you need to be able to immediately access it from anywhere and any device.
Instead of printing your Life Safety Drawings on a gurney, imagine having all of your information including historic inspection results and changes on an ipad that you carry around with the inspector.
What is eFacility?
eFacility is an easy-to-use software that helps your health care organization gather, capture, and organize all of your Life Safety Drawing information, no matter what form it’s in, so you you’re prepared for Joint Commission surveys and every day operations.
3 Easy Steps To Prepare for Joint Commission Survey with eFacility
- Schedule a Call – We want to learn more about the information you have and we’ll show how you can instantly access your most up-to-date information from anywhere.
- Organize and Capture All of Your Facilities Information, All In One Place – Our team will help you organize and capture all of your facilities information – whether it’s in a filing cabinet in the basement of the hospital, on a computer, or anywhere else.
- Find What You Need When You Need It – eFacility connect you with all of the information available for a specific location of your facility, and you can search for it by location as opposed to by keyword, so you can find what you’re looking for the first time, every time.
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