Joint Commission Preparation Made Easy

Joint Commission Preparation Made Easy Joint Commission preparation adds extra cost and additional stress to your already overworked team. efacility helps you stay prepared for Joint Commission so you're always prepared, and your team can focus…

Maintain Consistency When You Outsource Facility Operations

The Growth to Outsource Facility Operations According to an article by James McDonald written for iofficecorp, the CBRE sites interest to outsource facility operations as one of the big trends in facility management. By utilizing subcontractors…

Facility Managers Focus on Workforce Gap As Baby Boomer Retirement and COVID Loom

Mind The Workforce Gap After winding down the stairs and weaving through the corridors of a train station in a bustling metropolitan area, one can witness the inner workings of the London Tube. A system of intricate tunnels, operators, maintenance…

How Organizations Can Convert Physical Documents to a Searchable, Electronic Format

Most companies that have been around for a few decades have gigabytes... or terabytes of data, fading away on yellow paper filed in big heavy cabinets.  They don't really know what's there or what to do with it, so they leave those documents…

What Is A Work Order, and How Does It Impact Profitability?

If work orders are part of your daily workflow in order to accomplish tasks in your facility, understanding their intent, significance, and use is crucial when the need arises for their use in facility management. According to an article written…

Warehouse Facility Management

Warehouse facility management is an essential function for many businesses during COVID-19. An era of technological advancement, demanding jobs, and busy schedules combined with a global pandemic has forced many individuals to distance themselves…

Streamlining Facility Information and Storage

Searching For a Family Recipe In a recent Zoom conversation with family, we began to discuss some of our favorite memories from gatherings that had occurred over the years as well as the classic images, relics, and recipes that we associated…

Facility Management in the Time of Social Distancing

To say that these are unprecedented times in the field of Facility Management is to echo the feelings of individuals, businesses, and organizations globally. In an uncertain era of nonessential businesses being ordered to close or modify their…

How To Maintain Facility Standards In A Fast Growth Facility Expansion

Customers Make Consistency in Facilities a High Priority Imagine that you have just ended a long day of travel filled with waiting, sitting, driving, flying  and the ever unwelcome delay or layover. The only thing that held you together at…