The infusion of technology and business in the modern era has reached new heights and is being utilized in a diverse range of businesses. In the construction industry in particular, where collaboration is imperative to success, construction project software is making waves as more managers become apprised of its benefits. It’s led the way to greater efficiency in team projects, and greater transparency between contractors and owners.

Who Can Use Construction Project Management Software?

The short answer is – everyone. From general and specialty contractors, engineering firms and owners, to construction management firms and the onsite employees, the right construction project software is easily robust enough to handle the load. A username and password is all that is required to open up the details of the job to any allowed party; you can gauge the project progress and the efficiency of the current team.

Some construction apps even allow you an around-the-clock viewpoint of the job site. Blueprints, technical drawings, construction amendments – all of these can be rendered with drawing markup software available in the app. It’s about as efficient as putting everyone in the exact same field office – but it’s definitely more convenient.

The Most Useful Attributes of Construction Project Software

Indeed, the attribute that represents the most telling departure from the limitations of the past is the collaborative aspect.Construction project management software changes effectively bring everyone involved into the same room, where real-time information is conveyed simultaneously to all parties – or at their convenience.

Given that it’s on an iPad or tablet device, anyone can be keyed in at a moment’s notice, and there’s an adequate amount of customer support available to help you maximize the software’s capability. Some of the other attributes that make the software an attractive replacement to the old way of doing things are:


Make no mistake about the level of commitment to security harbored by construction project software. The engineers realize that the important data that constitutes the core of your business network must be secure and the app have a host of measures to ward off cyber-attacks, technical issues or loss of this valuable data. In fact, the tenets of business continuity must be fully integrated into the software, so that your data is safe even in the event of a breach on your end.


Ease-of-use is a highly-regarded attribute; much of the software is intuitive, as a lot of consideration is paid towards perfecting the user interface. Besides, customer support must almost always available to help you maximize the potential of your software and overcome obstacles you may encounter.

3.Boosts Productivity & Efficiency

Construction project management software can save loads of time. Everything from team collaboration, to the decision-making process between owners, clients and contractors transpires in as little time as feasible, because of the connectivity.

4.Real-Time Updates

The collaborative aspects of construction project management software must be bolstered by the ability to sync changes and suggest alternatives in real-time, making it possible to receives updates to a project when the team is logged in. Add markups and make other amendments even as you receive feedback from the onsite workers.

5.Easy Navigation

The software is easily able to allow navigation between the different levels of a building via plan drawings moving from trade to trade effortlessly. This advanced technology tends to increase the accuracy of the finished product to the drawings.

With this type of software, optimized collaboration is what you should be after. It’s all about getting teams to work together in the most efficient capacity possible, with the ultimate goals of improved productivity and, ultimately, increased profits and customer satisfaction.

Start changing the way your crew stays connected and on the same page with help from FASTTAC. Our state-of-the-art construction documentation software offers accelerated access to every member of your team, helping streamline collaboration to keep everyone on the same page with the latest documents, markups and on-the-job updates. Request a live demo of FASTTAC’s software today, and let us help you start transforming the way your team stays connected.